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Longmen Grottoes: Known as one of the greatest treasure troves of Buddhist cave art in China, the Longmen Grottoes feature thousands of exquisite Buddha statues and murals, showcasing the art and culture of ancient China.

龙门石窟(Longmen Grottoes):被誉为中国最伟大的石窟艺术宝库之一,拥有数千个精美的佛像和壁画,展示了古代中国的艺术和文化。

White Horse Temple: Considered as the first Buddhist temple in China, the White Horse Temple was built in 68 AD and holds significant historical and religious importance.

白马寺(White Horse Temple):是中国佛教的第一座寺庙,建于公元68年,具有重要的历史和宗教意义。

Luoyang Museum: Housing a vast collection of historical artifacts and artworks, Luoyang Museum displays the splendid history of Luoyang as an ancient center of civilization.

洛阳博物馆(Luoyang Museum):收藏了大量的历史文物和艺术品,展示了洛阳作为古代文明中心的辉煌历史。

Luoyang Old Town: Preserving numerous ancient buildings and traditional streets, Luoyang Old Town offers a glimpse into the ancient charm and atmosphere of Luoyang.

洛阳古城区(Luoyang Old Town):保留了许多古老的建筑和传统街道,可以感受到古代洛阳的风貌和氛围。

Guanlin Scenic Area: This is the tomb and memorial site of Guan Yu, a renowned historical figure in China, and serves as an important place for cultural heritage preservation.

关林景区(Guanlin Scenic Area):是中国历史名人关羽的陵墓和纪念地,是文化遗产保护的重要地点。

Luoyang National Mining Park: Located in the outskirts of Luoyang, this park is themed around mining culture and provides insights into the history and development of mining.

洛阳国家矿山公园(Luoyang National Mining Park):位于洛阳市郊区,是一个以矿山文化为主题的旅游景区,可以了解到矿业的历史和发展。

Luoyang Peony Garden: Luoyang is famous as the hometown of peonies, and the Peony Garden is an ideal place to admire and enjoy various varieties of peony flowers.

洛阳牡丹园(Luoyang Peony Garden):洛阳是中国著名的牡丹之乡,牡丹园是观赏和欣赏各种品种牡丹花的理想场所。

Luoyang Cross Street:It is a historic pedestrian street located in the heart of downtown Luoyang. It is a popular shopping and leisure destination for both tourists and locals.

洛阳十字街(Luoyang Cross Street)是洛阳市中心一条历史悠久的商业步行街。它位于洛阳市老城区的中心地带,是游客和当地居民喜爱的购物和休闲场所。